Cultivate Gratitude: Your Experiences in Life and Love Will Thrive

Cultivate Gratitude: Your Experiences in Life and Love Will Thrive

Put yourself in the driver’s seat and express gratitude. When you do, you will positively influence your emotions and your love relationship.

Cultivate Gratitude and Change Yourself

In a 24-7 social media environment you can’t help but compare your life to people you are following. You might feel that you don’t measure up. It may be that you are unhappy with your looks – you think you aren’t attractive enough. Perhaps it’s the lifestyle that you crave and you wish that you could travel, have the nice car or house like the person you are following on social media. You may feel that you’re not where you thought you would or should be at this particular point in your life. These kinds of thoughts lead to feelings of disappointment, stress and depression.

If you want to positively influence your mood and how your life unfolds, cultivate gratitude. New York Times best selling author Janice Kaplan spent a year living gratefully. She documented how it changed her life and relationships for the better in her book, “The Gratitude Diaries”. There are simple ways to cultivate gratitude in your life.

Try this exercise. Each morning identify at least one thing that you’re grateful for. It need not be complicated, maybe you’re grateful for being able to get up, or maybe you are grateful for your job, even if it’s not the perfect job. Perhaps you are grateful for your family.

Identify the focus of your gratitude and write it down on a Gratitude List. You may prefer to keep a Gratitude Journal or you may want to make a note in the Memo section of your phone. Keep your list where you can review it periodically. When you do, you’ll re-experience the positive feeling that comes when you focus on the things you appreciate.

Cultivate Gratitude and Benefit Your Love Relationship

Experiencing and expressing gratitude also benefits your relationship. It’s important to express your gratitude to your partner. If you are like most people, you tend to focus on the things your partner says or does that annoy or upset you. You may find yourself focusing more on how your partner has failed to live up to your expectations, while you downplay the “little things” your partner does that you do appreciate.

Perhaps you rationalize that those “little things” are basic expectations in your relationship and you shouldn’t have to acknowledge them. However if your partner stopped doing the “little things” that you have come to expect and that you take for granted, you would definitely miss them. Instead make an effort to genuinely express your gratitude to your partner for some of the simple things that he or she does that make your life better. These include preparing a meal, doing laundry, grocery shopping, taking care of the bills, accompanying you to a family event, sharing in childcare responsibilities. You can express appreciation for the time and effort taken to do these things.

Experiencing and expressing gratitude benefits your relationship in two ways. Firstly, when you take time to look for and express appreciation for the things your partner does, it helps to create a positive shift in how you look at your partner and how you feel towards your partner. Secondly when you express gratitude to your partner, it changes how your mate responds to you. Your partner will feel emotionally closer to you. Your loved one will also be more inclined to continue making an effort to impress and please you.

Here is an experiment that will benefit your love relationship. It’s a gratitude letter that you will write secretly over the course of a week and give to your partner at the end of the week.

  • Each day for one week, tell your partner one thing that you genuinely appreciate.
  • Privately write down your expressed words in a letter, sharing details about why you appreciate that item.
  • At the end of the week give the letter to your partner. Watch and see what happens, see how you feel and how it impacts your relationship.

It would be great to hear your story, feel free to come back and share in the comments below.


A Strong Boundary Can Prevent Cheating

A Strong Boundary Can Prevent Cheating

Couple - Boundary against cheating

A Strong Boundary Can Prevent Cheating

Most couples in a committed relationship want and expect loyalty and exclusivity from their partner. This creates a feeling of security. However many partners are terrified that their loved one will end up cheating. Is cheating inevitable? How can you establish a strong boundary to reduce the likelihood of cheating?

The dual benefit of a strong boundary

You can experience security if you establish a strong boundary in your relationship. A boundary is a barrier that works two ways. A strong boundary helps you and your partner remain focused on each other, rather than seeking attention from others. A strong boundary also prevents someone who might be a flirt from intruding into your relationship.

At one point or another, every couple in a committed relationship experiences difficulty. A strong boundary helps to ensure that you do not seek out the attention and affection of someone other than your partner during difficult times. Just because you are with the love of your life doesn’t mean that you won’t find other people attractive. This is normal. Difficult times in your relationship can tempt you to look elsewhere for comfort. When you recognize the elements that weaken the bond between you and your partner you will be more aware of what is essential to restore and strengthen that much needed feeling of security.

Problems that can lead to cheating

You may have heard couples saying that they have fallen out of love with each other. Typically this means that they are emotionally distant. They have lost that feeling of bliss they used to have when spending time together. They may not feel comfortable or safe sharing inner hopes, dreams, hurts or goals. If this is your story, perhaps the hectic demands of life have made it difficult for you to enjoy each other’s company as you did when you were dating. It is possible to make changes to reconnect and build emotional intimacy. Speak with your partner about your concerns. As you express your thoughts and feelings, make an effort to be open to hearing your partner’s perspective. Be careful to avoid criticizing or blaming. Your objective is to have a constructive conversation so that you can take intentional steps to improve your relationship and overcome any challenges.

Dissatisfaction with physical or sexual intimacy in your relationship can leave you or your partner open to being tempted to seek gratification elsewhere. You and your partner may be struggling to balance the demands of career, raising a family and coping with all of life’s pressures. You may feel exhausted, annoyed and stressed; you may find that the opportunities for physical intimacy are few and far between. Partners frequently have different perspectives about how important sex is when life is stressful. One person may view sex as very important to help relieve stress and bring closeness to the relationship. The other person may wonder how their mate can even consider being intimate when life is so stressful.

Solving this issue requires compromise from both partners; each will need to give in order to receive. The partner who is more motivated for sex would do well to find out how to help their mate to experience less stress. Perhaps it would help to take on a greater share of their mate’s responsibilities in the home and family. This is a gesture of kindness and consideration that will be well received. The partner who is feeling overwhelmed would do well to practice strategies for managing stress including exercising regularly, eating healthily and getting adequate sleep. Communicating with each other, planning your schedules together and setting aside time for fun and relaxation are all essential for creating an atmosphere for intimacy.

Protect your relationship from outside advances

In today’s society being married or in a serious relationship does not carry the same weight as it used to. Some potential suitors no longer view a wedding ring or commitment as an indication that the individual is off limits.

If you are in a committed relationship it is wise to be aware that a potential suitor will appeal to your area of weakness. This may come in the form of flattery; the person will stroke your ego. We all enjoy being noticed, appreciated and complemented, no problem here. However if you entertain that individual and you begin to look forward to seeing or hearing from them, there could be a problem brewing. To determine whether or not this is an appropriate friendship, ask yourself, “Would my partner feel comfortable with this friendship?” If the answer is “No”, it’s time to set limits.

Practice healthy boundaries with social media

A discussion about strong boundaries would not be complete without focusing on the intrusions that can come through social media. The norm seems to be for people to share a lot about personal thoughts and feelings with everyone. If you do, you may be inadvertently sending a signal making it easy for an external, interested party to maneuver into your life. Following these simple guidelines can make help prevent these kinds of intrusions:

  • Avoid sharing your thoughts and feelings at the moment when you are most upset. This is especially important when you are upset with your partner. When you share your relationship hurts on social media you are asking for sympathy and opening a potential door for someone to step in.
  • Limit what you share about your relationship. The original benefit of social media platforms was to share brief updates with family and friends. Keep it brief and simple. Wait until you are face to face with your friends or relatives to give more details about your life.
  • Think before you hit the “Post” or “Send” button. Reflect on the fact that you cannot undo what you have said once you post your comment or image. Even if you can delete your post later, chances are someone will view it first.

Use will power to prevent cheating

One of the best ways to create a strong boundary to protect your relationship is using old-fashioned will power. Just say “No!” You might respond, “But it’s not so easy to just say no.” There are ways to improve your will power. The key to strengthening will power lies in the area behind your forehead. That part of your brain is called the prefrontal cortex. When you strengthen this area of your brain, you also improve your will power. To strengthen your prefrontal cortex:

  • Get regular physical exercise. Aerobic exercise is beneficial for strengthening your body and your mind.
  • Practice mindfulness meditation. You may choose to concentrate on your breathing, paying attention to each breath as you inhale and exhale. The idea is to stay focused in the moment. When you find your mind wandering, release the thoughts and return the focus to your breathing. Practicing regularly for a few minutes at a time improves concentration and will power.
  • Praying regularly encourages you to rely on your faith for strength. It also helps to boost your self-control.

Your plan for a strong boundary

Now it’s time to create your strong boundary to protect your love relationship. The best place to start is with a conversation with your partner. Schedule a time to talk with each other when you are not likely to be interrupted. Your aim is to have a collaborative conversation; consequently you want to avoid criticizing or blaming each other. What steps will you take to keep your focus on each other? What steps will you take to keep unwanted advances away from your relationship?

Click here to download a guide to help you and your partner create your strong boundary.


Friese, M. & Wänke, M. (2014). Personal Prayer buffers self-control depletion. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 51, 56–59.

McGonigal, K. (2012) The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It. New York, NY: Penguin Group.


Will Valentine’s Day Live Up To Your Expectations?

Will Valentine’s Day Live Up To Your Expectations?

Will Valentine’s Day Live Up To Your Expectations?

February 14th is the day celebrated as Valentine’s Day in many countries throughout the world. More often than not women expect more from Valentine’s Day than men do. It’s a day many women long for in great and hopeful anticipation of the shower of attention, love and gifts that they will receive from that special person in their life. Of course many ladies will be thrilled at what the day will bring while others may be dismayed and disappointed, wondering if their mate really cares.

Valentine’s Day: Expectations vs. Reality

It is hard not to buy into the hype created by marketers ever since the end of the Christmas and holiday shopping season. It’s hard to suppress over eager emotions and instead listen to your rational mind as it tells you that one day in the year should not be an indicator of how much your mate loves you. In order to guarantee that they won’t be disappointed, some ladies provide their partner with hints, even instructions on what they expect on the special day. Despite all of this, what if your expectations don’t match reality? What does this tell you about the relationship?

The short answer is not much. The more profound question of whether your relationship is sound requires deeper exploration. Be careful not to let your disappointment catapult you to the worst-case scenario. When you have lingering fears and doubts in the back of your mind, those fears will surge forwards at the slightest provocation and will influence how you view and interpret your world. So some questions to ask yourself when you are disappointed are: “Did I have a sneaking suspicion or fear that Valentine’s Day would be a flop?” “Am I overreacting?”

Another factor that impacts the conclusion you have drawn is that you and your partner view the world through very different lenses. Your lenses are colored by your life experiences, your beliefs and your personality. You may see the glass as half empty and he may see glass as half full. The best way to fully understand each other’s perspective is to communicate with an emphasis on listening to each other with an open mind.

When there’s trouble in paradise

From another angle the painful truth is that sometimes we are faced with difficult relationships. If you find that there’s a growing sense of uneasiness in your gut as you examine your relationship, it may be an indication of more serious issues. Here’s an opportunity to do something about it. Work on improving your communication, learn to effectively handle conflict and learn to forgive.

Think of your love relationship as being a story you are writing together. You have the opportunity to learn and grow together as you co-create the story. Like any good novel there are twists and turns in the plot some of which may be nerve wracking. The final outcome heavily dependent on the decisions and actions each of you makes. Take time to think about the story you wish to create. Then take the necessary steps to make it happen.

Click here for an in depth article on how you can Create and Amazing Love Story.

Do you Have What it Takes to Be a True Power Couple?

Do you Have What it Takes to Be a True Power Couple?

Power couple

Do you Have What it Takes to Be a True Power Couple?

In the age of Social Media we are bombarded with images of gorgeous celebrity couples that appear to be so happy and in love. These couples are also portrayed as ambitious and successful in their careers. Of course we may discover later that the glossy images of romantic bliss were just a façade. You may wonder, is it truly possible for two people to work together well enough to become a Power Couple?

A true power couple works together harmoniously, balancing and complementing each other. They experience a feeling of energized focus, which promotes creativity and high levels of productivity. There are certain essential elements that contribute to a couple working well together.

Practice Teamwork

To be a true power couple you and your mate will need to work together as a team. Effective teamwork requires a shared vision, a plan for your future. Both of you will need to buy into the vision and actively work together to make it happen. The team spirit comes from the belief that you are stronger together and you value and respect each other’s perspective.

Nurture Mind, Body and Spirit

To achieve this level of optimal functioning it is essential to nurture your mind, body and spirit. An innovative and inspired mind promotes creativity and productivity. You can achieve that mindset by reading, listening to and learning from individuals who stimulate your thinking, provide insights and motivate you to move towards your goals.

It is no surprise that a healthy body is critical to your success. Make personal choices to take good care of your body and your health. Eat healthy, well-balanced meals and minimize your intake of alcohol. Absolutely avoid any other substance of abuse. Engage in physical exercise and get adequate rest.

Regardless of whether or not you have a religious orientation, striving to achieve your vision and your goals requires you to exercise faith. Having faith is necessary to persevere, especially when the journey becomes difficult. Have a conversation with your partner about your spiritual values and beliefs. Discuss and decide on the practices that you will put in place to nurture and strengthen your faith.

Develop Good Communication Skills

Good communication skills are essential for you to put your plan into action and to tweak your vision as necessary over time. Of course good communication is also critical for you to enjoy everyday life together. Learning how to work through disagreements and resolve conflict is an absolute necessity. In addition, learning how to forgive each other will help you to move past the inevitable rough spots you will encounter.

Manage Your Finances

The area of finances is challenging for many couples. A true power couple has clear financial goals and a sound strategy in place to achieve those goals. The exercise of managing finances requires communication in order to create a mutually agreed upon earning, savings and spending plan. You and your partner will need to revisit the plan periodically and make adjustments as needed.

Learn from your mistakes

Consider your mistakes as an opportunity to learn and grow in your relationship. You are both human, you will make mistakes. Take responsibility when you make a mistake and make it your priority to work on improvements. Your relationship is a dynamic process; making corrections and adjustments is necessary to help your relationship to grow.

Cherish each other

This seems like an obvious point, but sadly it’s one that many couples overlook. Too often couples get caught up with the demands of a hectic life and they take each other for granted. You may have heard the phrase, “I love my partner but I’m not in love anymore.” Love doesn’t just suddenly disappear, nor will it magically return, it must be nurtured. Make it your business to do warm and thoughtful things that make your partner feel loved.

The process of becoming a true Power Couple takes time and effort. Give priority to your relationship, work hard at it and commit to finding a way to make it through the difficult times.

Want more insights on becoming a true Power Couple? Check out our Ecourse Thirty Days to Better Love.

Overcoming Procrastination: You have the best intentions but …

Overcoming Procrastination: You have the best intentions but …

Overcoming Procrastination: You have the best intentions but …

How many times have you promised your spouse that you will get some task done and you really mean to, but you never quite get to it? This is the cause of numerous arguments for couples. When your spouse says, “Let’s clean out the garage next weekend”. You agree that would be great because you’re thinking of how wonderful it will be to have an organized garage. It will make it easier for you to find tools when you need them and maybe you’ll even be able to get the car in there. However come Saturday morning, what sounded like a great idea on Wednesday now feels like a miserable way to spend a Saturday. A day of shopping or hanging around watching TV sounds much better. Overcoming procrastination can be tough.

Most of us procrastinate. No matter how well intentioned we may be, we procrastinate because we value an immediate reward more than a far off reward. We are also skilled in using rationalizations to justify why we deserve to take a break to enjoy the present moment rather than doing a task that isn’t so appealing. Here are some steps to help you with overcoming procrastination.

Break down the task into small, doable segments

If you are thinking of clearing out your garage, you may feel immediately overwhelmed when you survey the accumulation of stuff that has grown over years. Catching sight of this is guaranteed to make you want to close the door and postpone the job for another day. It will be easier to focus on one corner of the garage. Clean up one area and you can use this as your headquarters for tackling each remaining area of the garage.

Pair an unpleasant task with a pleasant one

When faced with an unpleasant project that you would rather avoid, the time will go by faster if you pair it with something that is fun. You may turn on your favorite music or listen to an intriguing audiobook. When you’ve completed the task you may also find that it wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be.

Put your money on the line to strengthen your commitment

Here is a concept from the world of Behavioral Economics that will really motivate you to get things done. Ask a friend or relative to hold you accountable. Give them a check of a large enough amount that you wouldn’t want to lose. Their task is to cash the check and use it for anything they wish if you fail to get the promised task completed. Of course if you complete the task as planned, the check is returned to you.

There you have it, simple doable strategies to move you past the all too familiar thought of of, “I’ll just get to it later.”

Leave a comment and let me know how this works for you.



Ayres, Ian (2010) Carrots and Sticks: Unlock the Power of Incentives to Get Things Done.

Clear, James “Procrastination: A Scientific Guide on How to Stop Procrastination”.

Why Your Efforts To Change Habits Fizzle And How You Can Fix That

Why Your Efforts To Change Habits Fizzle And How You Can Fix That

Why Your Efforts To Change Habits Fizzle And How You Can Fix That

If you are like most couples the motivation to work on your relationship is born out of a problem such as a major argument or a crisis that threatens the relationship. Your partner’s displeasure or worse the fear of losing your relationship catapults you to take action. And the results are great, at least initially. You and your partner experience a tighter bond, you may feel more appreciated, each of you may be making a greater effort to be considerate and loving towards each other. But then, it doesn’t last. The changes that you both made tend to be short lived as the memory of the problem or crisis that sparked the need for change fades into the background. Does any of this sound familiar? Well read on to find out how you can change that pattern.

Why is it so hard to change habits?

Partners tend to have various explanations for why their mate falls back into old patterns of behavior. “He doesn’t love me enough to change”, or “She only began doing what I asked because she wanted to shut me up.” Such thoughts can lead to frustration and growing resentment. Most importantly they are not necessarily true.

The major reason that you or your spouse may find yourself failing in your attempt to change habits is due to the lasting nature of those old habits. In the midst of a relationship crisis, your motivation to fix the problem increases. But after the painful glare of the crisis has faded, your motivation to change also fades because you are beginning to feel comfortable again. Before you know it, you’ve slipped back into the well-worn patterns of your old behaviors.

Changing for the better

Think about why it’s important to change the behavior that has caused the problem. Perhaps you want to avoid arguments, or you enjoy when there is peace and harmony in your home, or you want to please your partner. Maybe your motivation is to avoid the feeling that your relationship is precariously tilting over the edge of a cliff. Whatever your reason, this is the image that you will need to keep in mind, this is your Why.

The next step in your effort to change your behavior is to get your mindset on track with your Why. Let’s say that your spouse would like you to help out more with responsibilities such as doing the laundry. Maybe you have a mindset block because you believe that you have enough other responsibilities already, plus you hate doing the laundry. With your Why in mind, i.e. you enjoy peace and harmony; try to be creative in figuring out how to make the laundry experience less onerous. With your favorite band pulsing in your earbuds you are less likely to feel irritated as you sort, wash, dry and fold.

The Secret to Sticking with it

Here’s the most important part of making changes and sticking with it, you need to make it a habit. The simplest way to do this is to establish a routine. Let’s take the laundry. Choose a specific day when you know that more often than not you’ll be at home. Next you need a reminder that the laundry needs to be done. This may be as simple as setting an alarm on your phone, on your day off from work, Saturday at 10:00 a.m. Or you may prefer to do the laundry the evening before your day off so that you can get it out of the way. So your reminder would be after you’ve kicked off your work shoes on a Friday, it’s time to do the laundry. Jump in, get it done, be creative and have some fun.

Next give yourself a reward: play a video game; enjoy a tall glass of your favorite beverage, you get the idea. This will seal the deal and will help motivate you to do the laundry routine again and again. The more consistent you are with following your routine, the easier it will be to keep up with the behavior. You will also feel a sense of accomplishment and your mate will be happy.

So a quick recap on the important elements to help you make changes and stick to those changes:

  • Focus on your Why
  • Get your attitude in shape, clear your mind of any mindset blocks
  • Choose a specific day and time to serve as a signal that it’s time to get the job done
  • Use your creativity to make the task pleasant
  • Treat yourself to something you enjoy
  • Reap the benefits of a feeling of accomplishment and a happy mate!

Leave a comment below; fell free to share your thoughts and experiences in creating new habits in your relationship.